Procedures and guidance
Raising a concern and referring
These documents provide details about how to raise a concern and make a referral if you're worried someone is a victim of abuse.
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Procedure for Raising a Concern and Referring [PDF]
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Guidance [PDF]
- Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults at Risk Referral Pathways [PDF].
Following a referral
These documents provide details about what to expect after you have raised a concern.
- Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Procedures Following a Referral [PDF]
- Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults at Risk Guidance Following a Referral [PDF]
- Persons in a Position of Trust (PiPoT) [PDF]
Supporting guidance
- Self-Neglect Advice and Toolkit [PDF]
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Hoarding Framework [PDF]
- Body Map [PDF]
These documents help practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide caring and quick responses to people at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
The guidance offers a process for the clinical management of harm removal and reduction where ulcers occur, considering if an adult safeguarding response is necessary.