Safeguarding Adults Week November 2023
Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 takes place from 20 to 24 November.
View details of the programme of events and briefings taking place during the week.
Events on Wednesday 22 November
Events on Thursday 23 November
Events on Monday 20 November 2023
NSAB: 10-minute briefings:
These 10-minute online briefings are designed to provide a short and concise overview a safeguarding topic. These sessions are aimed at non-social care professionals who still have a large part to play in preventing and reporting abuse and neglect in Nottinghamshire.
9am – Making Safeguarding Personal
Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is an approach to safeguarding adults which supports a person-centred, outcome-focus to safeguarding work, and a range of responses to support people to address concerns.
Book onto Making Safeguarding Personal event online via Eventbrite
10am – Professional Curiosity
Professional curiosity is a combination of looking, listening, asking direct questions, checking out and reflecting on information received and accepting it at face value.
Book on professional curiosity event online via Eventbrite
1pm – Self-neglect
The Care Act 2014 introduced new cate-gories of abuse, one of which is self-neglect: this covers a wide range of behaviour; neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings, and includes behaviour such as hoarding.
Book on to Self-neglect event online via Eventbrite
2pm – Mental Health Crisis
In 2019, the Office of National Statistics reported a total of 5,691 deaths by suicide in England and Wales at a rate of 11.0 per 100,000 population.
Book onto Mental Health Crisis event online via Eventbrite
3pm – Autism
According to research, approximately 70% of autistic young people experience mental health issues, and between 40-50% meet the diagnostic criteria for two or more psychiatric conditions, with internalising conditions such as depression and anxiety most common.
Book on to Autism event online via Eventbrite
4pm – Exploitation, mate crime, cuckooing
People with learning disabilities, autism, mental ill health and older people are particularly vulnerable to ‘mate crime’: abuse by those they regard as friends.
Book onto Exploitation, mare crime, cuckooing event online via Eventbrite
10-11am - Ann Craft Safeguarding Adults Week Free Workshop:
Who’s looking after the people looking after the people?
13.30-14.45 - Ann Craft Trust AGM and Seminar
The session will begin with the Ann Craft Trust AGM followed by a free online seminar to mark the start of Safeguarding Adults Week 2023!
Book onto AGM and Seminar event
10am – 2pm Bassetlaw General Hospital
Safeguarding Awareness Stand providing resources and support to patients and colleagues.
11-12.30pm NSAB: Understanding Safeguarding Concerns
This course has been developed to offer support, guidance, and clarity to you in your role as the person responsible for making Safeguarding Adults referrals within your organisation.
The overall aims of the session are to enable delegates to understand:
- What constitutes a safeguarding adults concern
- Evidence- based decision-making in relation to safeguarding adults concerns
- What makes an effective safeguarding adults referral
- How to use the Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Procedures and Pathways
Book on to Understanding Safeguarding Concerns online via Eventbrite
1.30-14.30 NSAB: MARAC Training – Equation
This online webinar presented by Equation will have an in depth look at the MARAC and DASH RIC process and will provide interactive learning and an opportunity for discussion.
Learning outcomes:
- Domestic Abuse and Risk
- Completing a DASH RIC - key considerations
- Referral to MARAC
- What is a MARAC?
- Overview of specific risks - including strangulation, suicide and coercive control
- Brief overview of learning from DHR's
Book onto MARAC Training - Equation online via Eventbrite
Events on Tuesday 21 November
10-11.30 NSAB: DBS Disclosure Workshop
If you work with the Adult workforce with vulnerable people, you will know how important it is to apply for the right level of DBS checks for staff working with vulnerable adults.
Session objectives:
- Understand the benefits of DBS and your organisation working together
- Understand the different levels of DBS checks
- Understand the filtering guidelines
- Understand when an employee is eligible for a check
- Understand the DBS Update Service
- Understand what Regulated Activity is
Book on to DBS Disclosure Workshop online via Eventbrite
2pm – 3.30pm NSAB: DBS Barring Workshop
DBS plays an important part in the safeguarding environment and maintains the Children and Adult’s Barred List on behalf of the government. An individual can be placed on the barred list if they are deemed to be a risk of harm to either or both the children’s or adult’s workforce and are then legally from barred from working in relevant positions.
Session objectives:
- Understand Barring processes at the DBS
- Understand when a DBS Barring referral should be made, including when the legal duty is met
- Understand how to make a good quality Barring referral
- Understand what Regulated Activity is
- Understand what ‘Relevant Conduct’ and the ‘Harm Test’ is
- Have a clear understanding of the potential consequences of not making appropriate Barring referrals and the consequences of being included in one or both Barred Lists.
Book on to DBS Barring Workshop event online via Eventbrite
10-10.30am ICON seminar
ICON: Prevent abusive head trauma in babies by raising the awareness of how parents and carers can be supported to cope with a crying baby.
Delivered by Debbie Rees-Pollard and Colleen Biltcliffe – Named Midwives for Safeguarding at DBTH
If you would like to attend, please email
10-11am - Ann Craft Safeguarding Adults Week Free Seminar:
Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safer Cultures in Your Organisation
10am – 2pm – Doncaster Royal Infirmary
Safeguarding Awareness Stand providing resources and support to patients and colleagues.
Events on Wednesday 22 November
10am – 11am Bruising in non-mobile babies webinar
Delivered by Anne Lundy and Kim Armistead – Specialist Nurses for Safeguarding Children at DBTH
If you would like to attend, please email
2 - 4pm - NSAB: Think Carer – Dan Godley
This Carer’s briefing, facilitated by Dan Godley, is aimed at those working with adults with care and support needs who have carers in an informal capacity.
- This session will help you to understand:
- The recently published Joint Carer’s strategy
- Prevention and early intervention to prevent carers stress
- Carers accessing support when dealing with complex and challenging behaviours
- What support should you be offering carers?
Book onto Think Carer event online via Eventbrite
Events on Thursday 23 November
1 - 2pm NSAB: Keynote Speech – Adopting a Trauma informed approach to Safeguarding Adults- Lisa Cherry
We are delighted to have Lisa Cherry giving a keynote speech around adopting a trauma-informed approach to safeguarding adults.
Lisa is an author, researcher, leading international trainer and consultant, specialising in assisting schools, services and systems to create systemic change to the way that we work with those experiencing and living with, the legacy of trauma.
Book onto Adopting a Trauma informed approach to Safeguarding Adults event online via Eventbrite
2.30pm - 4.30pm NSAB: Trauma-informed training session
This session, facilitated by Steph Hunter from Trauma Informed Consultancy aims to help you:
Understand what is a trauma-informed (TI) approach?
Understand the link between trauma-informed approach and safeguarding adults/ making safeguarding personal
- Understand how trauma affects people
- Understand why a TI approach is good for the adults we work with
- Understand the impact of working with people with trauma and explore strategies for self-care
- Understand how to implement a TI approach in safeguarding adults work
- Take away practical tools to enable future working in a trauma-informed way
Book onto Trauma-informed training online via Eventbrite
10am – 2pm – Doncaster Royal Infirmary
Safeguarding Awareness Stand providing resources and support to patients and colleagues.
Events on Friday 24 November
9am – 12pm NSAB Partnership event
This year’s partnership event will have a focus on national safeguarding adults board thinking, and co-production. If you would like an invite to this year’s online event, please email the safeguarding strategic team:
10am – 2pm - Mexborough Montagu Hospital
Safeguarding Awareness Stand providing resources and support to patients and colleagues.
3-3.30pm - Domestic Abuse Awareness webinar
Delivered by Sean Humphreys and Caitlyn Porter – Domestic Abuse Liaison Officers at DBTH
If you would like to attend, please email