NSAB Safeguarding Adults Referrer Training

23 October 2020

The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board and the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have joined forces to host this November’s Partnership event for members of the Children's or Adult's Partnership. The joint Partnership Forum will take place via MS Teams on Tuesday 17 November 2020, 2.00pm – 4.30pm. 

Key Speakers:

Sarah Goff (Safeguarding Children and Young People Manager, Ann Craft Trust). Sarah will be taking us through the findings from her research project ‘We matter too’, which is a study addressing the needs of disabled young people facing domestic abuse. Click here for more information or to read the executive summary from the research.

Jo Silver (Director, Safe Lives) is going to focus on adolescent to parental abuse with an emphasis on the ‘whole family approach’, complex abuse and the importance of multiagency working (particularly in terms of adults and children’s services). Click here to read more about Jo and the work of Safe Lives.

The event will consist of presentations and group work, allowing time for members to network and the opportunity to consider how we can work together to strengthen our safeguarding partnerships.

If you are a member of the Children’s or Adult’s Partnership and haven’t received your invitation, please contact us at safeguarding1.adults@nottscc.gov.uk

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