NSAB Interim Strategic Plan launch - April 2021

8 February 2021

As we head into the final quarter of what has been a tumultuous year for all, not least those workers across membership and partner organisations who support and carry out the work of the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board, we inevitably look towards the future and defining our upcoming priorities.

Due to the continuing Covid-19 Pandemic and the ongoing and indefinite nature of the current lockdown, it was proposed at the most recent Board Meeting by the Chair of the Board, Allan Breeton, that an Interim Strategic Plan should be put in place for 2021-2022, with a new three-year Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 to commence the following year.

The Strategic Priorities for the Interim Plan were proposed as Engagement; Assurance; and Prevention.  This was agreed by the Board, and some initial discussions regarding the Engagement workstream took place. It was agreed that 6 years after its introduction to Nottinghamshire, the Making Safeguarding Personal approach - putting the adult and their desired outcomes regarding any concerns at the centre of the safeguarding process - should now be well-embedded and the ‘golden thread’ running through the work of both NSAB and its partners. The Board felt that the Engagement Priority encompasses various ongoing and planned workstreams, including implementing actions from previous recommendations, as we seek further engagement within Nottinghamshire communities; especially amongst those who may previously have been under-represented within Safeguarding.

In addition to an Interim Strategic Plan, it was proposed that the Board should have one overall Business Plan (rather than individual sub-group action plans) with actions allocated to specific sub-groups for work to take place.  This will support collaborative working, bringing the sub-groups closer together and providing clarity on Board actions. This was also agreed by the Board.

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