Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board update

8 February 2021

Summary of Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board’s Development Session, held virtually on 14 January 2021, including an update from the Safeguarding Adults Board Meeting held immediately afterwards.


  • Reports providing the annual updates detailing work completed from the Quality Assurance; Safeguarding Adults Reviews; Learning and Development; and Communications Sub-Groups were presented to the Board by the Chairs of the Sub-Groups.
  • Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was proposed by the Chair of the Board that an Interim Strategic Plan should be put in place for 2021-2022, with a new three-year Strategic Plan to commence in a year’s time. The Strategic Priorities for the Interim Plan were proposed as Engagement; Assurance; and Prevention.  This was agreed by the Board, and some initial discussions regarding the Engagement Priority took place.
  • In addition to an Interim Strategic Plan, it was proposed that the Board should have one Business Plan, with actions allocated to specific sub-groups for work to take place. This was agreed by the Board.
  • The Board agreed to a new logo, and the re-branding and new website will be launched at the beginning of the next financial year in April 2021 to coincide with the launch of the Interim Strategic Plan.

NSAB Meeting – 14.01.2021


  • Nottinghamshire Police gave a presentation to provide an update on Modern Slavery both in Nottinghamshire and nationally.
  • Organisational updates were provided by Nottinghamshire Police; the Clinical Commissioning Groups; Nottinghamshire Hospitals (Nottingham University Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals); Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust; Adult Social Care, Nottinghamshire County Council; and the District Councils regarding the work which has taken place and is ongoing during the pandemic, and the risks and difficulties currently being faced within those agencies.
  • Recent Safeguarding Adults Data, including recent trends in referrals and the Board’s Performance Indicators, was presented to the Board.
  • Thanks were given by Allan Breeton to all agencies represented on the Board for their ongoing work, especially given the difficulties faced during the pandemic.
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