A trans-racial, ethnic and cultural support group for adoptive parents
Published: Friday, August 16, 2024

Trans-racial, ethnic and cultural support for adopters (TRECS) is a monthly support group hosted by One Adoption West Yorkshire for parents who have adopted children from a different race, ethnicity, and/or culture from their own. It is an opportunity for parents to openly discuss any issues they face, seek advice, and share their experience.
For children who do not resemble their adoptive parents, establishing identity can be incredibly difficult. This group aims to help families achieve this for their adopted children through help and support.
This group is for:
- For parents who are thinking about or who have adopted a child/children from a different race, ethnicity, or culture to their own.
- For the promotion of racial and cultural identity for adopted children.
- To help adopters to support their child to explore their cultural and racial background.
- To invite carefully selected speakers to offer advice using their own experiences and research.
- To advise on strategies to manage racism or prejudice that adopted children may face.
- To offer discussion on the importance of life story work and how to explore a child’s heritage.
The group takes place online every fourth Thursday of the month from 7.30pm to 9pm. Please contact Fozia.saleem@oneadoptionwy.leeds.gov.uk or shazia.malik@onedoptionwy.leeds.gov.uk for more information.
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